Air brush

Technical data

Duration: 5 minutes per round

Space required: 10 pi. Square

Number of players: 0


The air brush tattoo is very popular among teenagers. A workshop composed of 2 tattoo artists Choose your design and that's it!

1 ArtistE airbrush 120+ tattoo choices table 475 / 2 HOURS 600 / 3 hours 125/ADDITIONAL HOUR

2 ArtistES airbrush 120+ tattoo choices table 650 / 2 HOURS 900 / 3 hours 250/ADDITIONAL HOUR

Space required: 10x10 - electricity: 15AMP - EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: CHAIR AND SHELTER NOT INCLUDED Includes:2 TATTOUERS/ manager INSTALLATION, DELIVERY - $125 EACH 25KM (FROM gare centrale mtl)

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