This winter, immerse yourself in the ultimate Canadian adventure with our brand-new giant play installation, the “Lancer du Sapin”! 🇨🇦✨ Available for hire, this unique experience promises hours of entertainment for all.

Origins of the Fir Tree Throw :

Lancer du Sapin is rooted in Canada’s vast forests and rich winter culture. Inspired by Aboriginal traditions, this life-size game celebrates the deep connection between Canadians and the natural world around them.

Early peoples used throwing skills to hunt and survive in harsh winter conditions, and Fir Tree Throw pays tribute to these skills while offering a fun and engaging experience. Firs, once essential to survival, are now symbols of Canadian strength and resilience.

Why is the Fir Tree Toss so popular in Canada?

Le Lancer du Sapin is more than just a game – it’s a celebration of the winter season and community spirit. Canadians, renowned for their love of winter and outdoor activities, have adopted the Fir Tree Toss as a modern tradition.

Whether you’re with family, friends or a work team, the Lancer du Sapin creates unforgettable memories and strengthens bonds between participants. The excitement of tossing a tree, combined with the camaraderie that emanates from this unique experience, makes the Fir Tree Toss a must-do activity during the cold months.

So let yourself be carried away by the spirit of Lancer du Sapin this winter! Contact us today to book this incredible play facility and bring a memorable Canadian touch to your winter events. 🌲❄️